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From Merrell's very first custommade hiking boots to their latest footwear innovations, Merrell make all of their footwear with four core values in mind Comfort, Durability, Design, and Versatility With technologies such as Vibram ® EcoDura ® and GORETEX ®, it's all about removing the barriers to enjoying the great outdoorsOct 17, 19 · The Merrell Moab 2 GTX boots have extra padding and support around the ankles The footbed is fitted with a thick latex like insert that absorbs a lot of the shock we experience when walking I use my Moab 2 GTX is for a mix of hiking and speed marching, which involves quite a lot of running or jogging in my bootsIn addition to most of the features above, the Merrell Moab 2 Mid GORETEX® and Moab 2 GORETEX® incorporate a waterproof GORETEX® membrane This technology keeps your feet cozy and dry with a twofold approach First, it seals out all water from rain, puddles, creek beds, and the like

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